Western Pennsylvania Square & Round Dance Federation
WPSRDF Sophomore Dance - April 27 2025, 2-5pm, Jim Yost and Brad Deibert calling, Brad cueing. At Y-Knots location. Click here for flyer.
Click here to find opportunities for new dancers.
Friendly Squares, McMurray, PA
Sundays, 7:00 to 9:30 PM
club dances Plus & Rounds
Peace Lutheran Church
107 Carol Dr., McMurray, PA
Tuesdays, 6-7pm rounds class Cha Cha and Two Step and Waltz
then Plus Workshop 7:00-9:00pm
Caller and Cuer Brad Deibert - Casual Dress: June-August
Contacts: Susan Hopf 412-606-8819 or Mick 412-716-4403
Happy Go Lucky Square Dance Club, West Mifflin, PA
2nd & 4th Friday- Mainstream class 7:30-8:30, Plus dance 8:30-10:00
Plus, Rounds, Line dancing
Caller & Cuer: Howard Williamson, with various guest callers
West Mifflin Firehall #3
3722 Rodeo Drive
West Mifflin, PA 15122
Casual Dress June 1st thru September 1st
Air conditioned in summer
Contacts: Fran Reynolds 724-331-6386 or
Ken Rose 909-262-3200
Iron City Squares, Pittsburgh, PA
Every Wednesday 7:15 to 9:15 PM (call Blaine first to make verify we are dancing)
Square Squares - Plus & DBD
Calvary United Methodist Church, Allegheny & Beach Avenues
(Use Beach Avenue entrance) Pittsburgh (North Side) PA 15233
Casual dress all year
Caller: Blaine Knupp (724) 464-4324
Mountainview Squares, Blairsville, PA
Every Friday, 7:00-9:30; Please call first to verify we are dancing.
Squares: SSD, Mainstream, Plus
United Presbyterian Church, 137 N. Walnut, Blairsville, PA
Square Wear or Casual Dress
Caller: Blaine Knupp, (724) 464-4324
Contact: Floyd and Jan Bottom (pres.), (724) 459-7434
Peanut Squares
Peanut Squares Blogspot Site - https://peanut-squares.blogspot.com/
Peanut Squares Facebook Site - https://www.facebook.com/groups/peanutsquaresnew
Every Tuesday 7:00 to 9:30 PM
Squares - SSD, Mainstream and Plus, no experience necessary
Line and Round dancing between tips
Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church
900 Country Club Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Square Wear or Casual Dress
Caller: Howard Williamson
Contact: Beth 412-680-4837, or Nick 412-667-0929
The Spinners, East McKeesport, PA
Every Friday 7:30 to 9:30 PM Call first to verify we are dancing
Square Dance - Advance
Linway United Presbyterian Church,
600 Greensburg Ave, (Route 30) North Versailles PA 15137
Callers: Ron Giuliana - 724-861-5884 Cell: 412-554-1809 and Jim Yoest
Contact: Rich Williams 412-915-4333 to Confirm
Y-Knot Square and Round Dance Club, North Hills, Pittsburgh, PA
First and Third Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 Lessons, 8:30-9:00 Plus no rounds
Fourth Thursday, 7:00-9:00 Plus and rounds
North Hills Community Baptist Church,
7801 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh PA 15237
Caller: Jim Yoest; With various guest callers Cuer: Guest Cuers
Casual Dress: June 1 to August 31
No Air Conditioning -- Ceiling Fans, But Cool in the Summer
Club contact: Russ Stewart 412-780-0047 or Barbara MacDonald 724-776-2029
Clubs Map
*Some pictures created by SquareDanceTech.com