Pennsylvania Square & Round Dance Federation

Keystone Award


The Keystone Award is to be given to individuals or couples who contribute to square/round dancing with up to three awards per year given annually and include a recognition plaque.  (This program was begun in 2011. See a list of winners below).

Nominations for the PSRDF Keystone Award need to be submitted by March 15th of each year to the current PSRDF President.

You can find the updated information for the current PSRDF Presidents on the PSRDF officers page.

Decisions will be made by June 1st by the State Executive Committee and others if appointed by the President. The winner or winners will be announced at the State Convention. Winner need not be present.

Criteria for nominations:

We are looking for individuals or couples who have shown evidence of involvement in at least 6 out of these 10 areas of participation.

Person(s) making the nomination needs to include their name/address/phone number/e-mail address.

An officer on the Executive Committee cannot be nominated (President PSRDF, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Sec., Treas.). While on the Executive Committee you cannot nominate someone.

A person/couple can be nominated more than once if not selected on the first nomination.

This award can only be received once by an individual/couple. A person/couple cannot nominate themselves.

We have many fine, hard working dancers/callers/cuers in the State of Pennsylvania.

We are looking forward to receiving nominations for this prestigious award. The winner(s) will be a secret until announced at the convention.

President, PSRDF

Keystone Award Winners

2012 - Carter and Ruby Ackerman

2012 - Joe Nardi and Helen Naimark

2012 -  Tom Mohney

2014 - Rodney and Helen Spencer

2014 - Clyde and Judy Miles

2016 - Bill Flick