Pennsylvania Square & Round Dance Federation
Coronavirus Precautions
We know there has been a lot in the news about the Coronavirus. Attached is an interesting article we received that was authored by the Mayo Clinic about the virus. Below is a summary of some precautions our members need to take and we felt these are good practices to pass along:
Steps to Protect our Dancers
1. Wash hands after every tip.
2. Use hand sanitizer often, although soap and water washing is best.
3. Avoid hugs and handshakes. Greeters, take note: No yellow rocking: just a smile and a welcoming greeting.
4. Don't touch your face or anyone else's face.
5. Absolutely cover your coughs and sneezes, but if using your hands to cover, afterward wash thoroughly with soap and water.
6. Avoid sharing mics for announcements. Hmmm... Dancers, you might have to be very quiet and attentive during announcements if they are not made with a mic. We'll see.
7. Wondering if we should learn to dance without using hands. That would be a challenge.
At the Snack Table
1. Stay away from the snack table if you are coughing or sneezing.
2. No double-dipping. Oooh - Gross!
3. Use tongs, serving spoons, or a napkin to pick up your treat. No unprotected fingers.
4. "What you touch is what you take," so no picking through the choices with your hands before making your final selection.
4. Don't leave open cups on or near the snack table.
5. Best to bring your own lidded water bottle or containers.
We wish everyone to remain healthy and enjoy the dances,